With the current state of our nation and all of the events surrounding the pandemic that is Covid-19, I’ve decided to take this Spring Break and the next few weeks to really catch up on a few book reviews. I’ve allowed myself to get behind, 15 books to be exact (not including audio), because reviewing can sometimes take the fun out of the reading process.
However, with so many people turning to social media at this time, asking for help, and looking for ways to stay positive, I thought some book suggestions might be useful. Therefore, I present you with On the Bright Side. On the Bright Side is a great way to stay connected to the blessings that are always surrounding us.
I’ve shared about Melanie Shankle before, and I will share about her every single time she releases a book. There is just something about her that is so real and natural. She invites you into her life, and you want to keep reading because it’s like sitting down with a mentor that you love and cherish because they first love and see you. On the Bright Side, although slightly different from Shankle’s other books, focuses on the good. Even when life is filled with difficulties like illness, high school drama, and bad clothing choices, Shankle helps us to see the bright side and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
This book is for all of you looking for something lighthearted to lift your spirits and connect you back to the goodness of humanity and the greatness of God. I highly encourage you choose a friend to read it with (#socialdistancing) and check in to see their bright side each and every day. Also, don’t stop there. Read all of Melanie Shankle’s books because you will spend so much more time laughing, smiling, and enjoying life. She will become the best friend that you never get to meet but know you would love dearly.