It seems like it has been awhile since I have had the opportunity to review a book. Although I’ve still been reading, I haven’t been able to read nearly as much as I would like. With testing season at school amping up and what seems like a million different things getting in the way of my free time, I have only been able to read a little bit before bed each night.
A few weeks back, I had the opportunity to travel to Denver for a business trip. I absolutely love exploring new places! Although this trip was definitely way more work than play, I did have an opportunity to stop for lunch at this precious deli where there was a tiny secondhand bookstore across the street. Parkhill Community Bookstore was stocked with so many goodies and the sweetest older women. With only five minutes to peruse their selection, I settled on Summer Secrets.
I must say, I was happy with my selection by Jane Green. Having never read any of her stuff, I went to Goodreads to see what people had to say. There were mixed reviews on Summer Secrets primarily because some readers liked her older work better. However, as a first time reader, I feel Green created a story that was easy to follow and easy to become a part of.
Cat is a woman that you want to see succeed. Becoming an alcoholic at a very young age, Cat reveals to readers the true struggles of having an addiction. She shares what it takes to come to terms with her disease, the destruction that can follow after years of running, and the trials that you face with the 12-step program.
At a young age, Cat is running from the truth about her addiction until her mother reveals news that will challenge the world she knows. Cat finds herself learning about a part of her family she has never heard about before. One of which includes her biological father. Sure that everything will come together with this piece of the puzzle being filled, Cat leaves London and heads to Nantucket to meet her American bloodline.
With addiction comes mistakes, and Cat quickly finds herself making one of the worst decisions in her life. A decision that forces her to return to London sooner than she imagined and without communication with those new members of her family to continue filling her void.
Fast forward many years later, Cat finds herself as a divorced, single mom. Now fully committed to living a life of sobriety, she is attending daily AA meetings where she pursues a higher power, reaches out to her sponsor, and freely talks about her lifelong struggles with alcohol and her family. Cat quickly goes through the 12 steps until she reaches step nine – make amends with all those you have wronged.
Although this process is easy with those she knows and loves in England, Cat finds herself headed back to Nantucket to make amends with her half sisters, people who have vowed to never speak to her again. With several curveballs thrown her way, will Cat stick to her sobriety and have her apology accepted by family? Will she truly be stronger this time than any other time?